Background of the study
The researcher probably wants to get started on this project by conducting a poll on how important knowledge is in day-to-day life. Since the beginning of recorded history, man has had a general need for knowledge in order to live his day-to-day existence. Information is necessary for making decisions as well as for other elements of life. Every civilization need knowledge in order to operate properly and remain relevant. Information is regarded as the "life-blood" of contemporary organizations, as stated by Adams (2022).
As a result of the all-pervasive nature of information in the operations of an organization, a numerous authors have attempted to analyze the functions of an organization in terms of how it receives, records, organizes, and distributes information. When it comes to making decisions on planning and strategy at the highest levels of management, it is absolutely necessary. As a result, information is considered to be valuable data in the decision-making process. Critical resources are what make it possible for an organization to operate and thrive in the modern world. Because choices pertaining to other corporate resources are dependent on it, it has priority among the other corporate resources. However, the process of collecting, analyzing, and disseminating information is not without its challenges. This is mostly because of the way that information is structured. Information is necessary for the completion of every process and is vital to the growth of the natural world. It serves as a national as well as a worldwide resource for the advancement of social issues, political issues, religious issues, economic issues, cultural issues, and technical issues.
Information is just as essential to human survival as the other three fundamental requirements—water, food, and a roof over one's head—and as such, it should be accorded the same level of importance in order to accomplish the goals it was created to meet. It is important to keep in mind that knowledge has no use unless it is put to good use; yet, before information can be put to good use, it must first be made available, and the person who will be using it must be aware of its existence. To put it another way, the use of information is reliant on its availability and the ease with which consumers may get it. definition of the information The process of informing others, the state of being informed, or the act of passing on one's knowledge is referred to as information (Aina,2021). The American Library Association's (ALA) glossary of library and information science defines information as "all ideas, great and imaginative works of mind that have been communicated, recorded, published, and distributed formally or informally in any format." This definition encompasses all information that has been communicated, recorded, published, and distributed. In the most recent edition of Webster's dictionary, "information" is defined as "the conveyance of news, knowledge attained through searching, research, etc." It is also possible to think of it as knowledge that is conveyed about certain facts, themes, or occurrences in the world. Information helps people become more knowledgeable while also reducing the amount of ambiguity they face.
There are two different forms that information may take. Those that are references to other information and the sources of that information, which the information itself offers as substantial information, are called pointers. Information is considered a resource for use, and the process of producing it and putting it to use in a way that maximizes its efficiency and effectiveness is a very difficult and stressful task. This is due to the fact that any information that is not organized for potential use in the future may be lost. Additionally, individuals search for information in a variety of ways and for a variety of reasons because of the relevance that is associated to it. According to what (Aina, 2020) states, the purpose of information is often to be useful rather than interesting. It is desired by the people who will ultimately utilize it for a certain reason and under specific conditions. It is of the greatest possible help to the individual who wants it when it satisfies his requirements not only in terms of broad but also specific topics. The term "need" may refer to a necessity for either maintaining one's subsistence or performing some function or tasks. Therefore, information needs are defined as demands, requirements, wants, or desires for obtaining particular or broad information in order to fulfill some objective. According to Aitchison (2019), the definition of "need" in connection to information is "a condition of lack of desired requisition or commodity," more specifically, "knowledge that is essential to cope with a circumstance in the manner in which that person feels suitable."
The pupils and the information The term "information needs" and "information seeking behavior" of students refers to the provision of desirable, up to date data factual knowledge to the students at the appropriate time to enhance their welfare and the ways or patterns pursued by them in an attempt to resolve an information need or needs. Information needs and information seeking behavior of students are defined as the provision of desirable, up to date data factual knowledge to the students at the appropriate time to enhance One of the human rights is access to information, and each user of it should be able to receive the appropriate information that he wishes at the appropriate time and place in the manner that he requires it to be obtained. It is important for librarians to meet the requirements of their patrons since information is a valuable commodity that may be obtained, among other places, from the library. The concept of book acquisition, often known as student literature, is an essential component of public libraries (Aitchison,2019). Greater emphasis should be placed on the manner in which textbooks and other course materials are made available to students for efficient usage. As a consequence of this, public libraries are required to adapt to the information requirements and information-seeking behaviors of pupils.
Not only would this improve the overall performance of the students and their usage of the libraries, but it would also go a long way toward enhancing the services that are provided to kids in public libraries. In addition to this, the storing, processing, and retrieval of information, as well as the distribution and use of it, would all be simplified. As information literacy becomes increasingly important to effectively functioning in today's world, it is the responsibility of the public library to ensure that the specific information and reference needs of students are adequately met. This responsibility stems from the fact that information literacy is becoming increasingly vital to effectively functioning in today's world. Students, as a reference client, need help that is both competent and considerate in order to obtain material that is pertinent to both their perceived and their actual requirements. The student sections of public libraries are specifically designed to satisfy the requirements of patrons in this demographic. A section dedicated to students is a vital resource that should provide students with simple access to relevant knowledge and opportunities for its application. It offers information in a number of different forms. The students' area offers a variety of activities for young children, including pre-school programs, storytelling, reading competitions, puzzles, and jokes (Aitchison,2019). Students' educational opportunities are enhanced by the library. Additionally, it provides essential services such as informational, educational, cultural, and recreational services to its users. Public libraries have the potential to play a significant part in encouraging students to pursue an education and assisting them in the development of the skills required to acquire the sort of ever-evolving information that is essential to both survive and thrive. Students absolutely need information for the purpose of knowledge, as well as for their own personal growth, the acquisition of skills, and to successfully complete the tasks they have been assigned.
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